Turning Point

Do Phygital Intervention Better

Turning Point is a global issue, artist, media and creative-based experience that will blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds in real time to trigger change in the future of humanity.

Linking urban centers and nature, physical artistic field installations respond to big data and are powered by participants via a game engine’s interactives, to create a communication loop in real time, triggering a turning point towards action for our planet’s future.

Attraction Type

Entrepreneurial Prototype / Invention




Global brands


Establish real-time intervention around global issues to inspire actions that positively influence the future of our planet by triggering a Turning Point in the earth’s climate, migration, and social challenges. The combination of collective spheres of knowledge, networks, and influence will propel new avenues of impact beyond individual efforts.

Big Idea

A first-of-its-kind responsive performance art collaboration, connecting global artists, scientists, programmers, activists and the public with interventions to inspire positive change to our planet’s biggest challenges.

Linking urban centers and nature, physical artistic field installations respond to big data and are powered by participants via a game engine’s interactives, to create a communication loop in real time, triggering a turning point towards action for our planet’s future.

Turning Point

"It's the mash-up of Twitch with MR, with Burning Man from The Met, and real-time human interaction using centuries of data, for solving global issues."
Louis Alfieri
Principal / Chief Creative Officer

It Works

Through the use of technology, human interaction, real time actualization, and interpretation (resulting in a continuous loop of creative re-interpretation), our intent is to move beyond passive mediation, and linear intervention, to boundary-less realization(1), non-linear activation(2), and abstract manifestation (3).

*This physical manifestation of this experiential intervention may be fixed or traveling, with opportunities to participate in the experience at a single destination and or at multiple interconnected physical destinations and digital representations.

(1)-beyond the physical confines of the space the intervention is being physically realized in, incorporating the digital realm.

(2) – via each loop of data and interaction influencing the other in variable patterns in real time, creating new influences and outcomes; for example ripples intersecting during a storm.

(3) as in influencing the energy and outcomes of the future via potential behavior and choice-based outcomes.


  • Guests can observe intervention piece
  • Guests interact and create with controlled Kuka Arms around the intervention piece.
  • 1 Kuka arm is projecting light. 1 Kuka arm is capturing this projected light through the sculpture.
  • Using a combination of projection technology and game engines (to capture movement data and guest decisions in real time) the output of this projection is a collaborative piece that is then beamed to another intervention site installation and projection mapped at large scale onto a mountain.


  • Guests interact and create with controlled Kuka Arms around the installation piece.
  • Source content for this intervention is being beamed from another global intervention site.
  • A digital array is capturing all of the movement of the participants (gesture, speed, density, etc).
  • The output of this projection and the flow dynamics generated as result of the guest’s choices and interactions result in creating another collaborative data set and intervention, which are then beamed to artist studios and other intervention sites around the world.

Data Source

  • Using the game engine, global positioning, contemporary data, historical data, algorithms, and predicative analytics, the data regarding human flow dynamics patterns are extrapolated into visualizations and outputs to create
  • These data sets are translated into geospatial expressions that can be projected onto static and kinetic art, structures, public spaces, and in the digital environment to inspire the work of other creatives, scientists, activists, policy makers, thought leaders and the public.

Data Share

  • The output of this migration information and resulting migration / movement data creates another opportunity for creative assets that are beamed to artist studios and other intervention sites around the world.
  • Other works positioned on the earth and data sets from other sites can exchange dialog and content with this data set resulting in other interpretations and extrapolations into visualizations of light, sound, and movement at various site.


  • 15 Kuka arms are projected light or real time art creation or real time events at other locations on the earth.
  • A digital array is capturing all of the movement of the participants.
  • The output of this projection and the flow dynamics generated as result of the guest’s choices and interactions result in creating another collaborative data set and intervention, which are then beamed to artist studios and other intervention sites around the world.


  • We make every park, every coffee shop, car, abandoned warehouse, and empty retail space an interactive gallery for self enlightenment and real-time creation.
  • AR / MR / VR exhibition spaces allow guests to interact, observe, and create collaboratively in real time.
  • Democratizing every surface and space on earth to unlimited creativity and knowledge sharing – to see the opportunity that lies before us to rebuild to world we live in from the ground up.


  • Exhibition spaces, first of their kind where there is no physical art or artist in the space, but that they are digitally present in AR / MR / VR and allowing guests to interact, observe, and create collaboratively in real time.


  • Large scale urban intervention of kinetic installation art
  • Use of geospatial array capturing techniques and polygon data sets of the weather, kinetic art movement, and people’s interactions in the space
  • Real-time data sets and interactions are interpreted to represent various visualizations to illuminate the public space, on-line visualizers, computer drawn art, or music that other artists may create too.


  • Global production studios amplify our interactive gallery for self enlightenment, real time creation, knowledge sharing, inspiration, resulting in awareness, opportunity, and intervention on a scale never before imagined or attempted.

The Way

A collaborative experiential intervention harnessing the power of art, story, place, time, technology, and thought to inspire change in the message about the planet and people’s crisis’ resulting in energy, choices, and meaningful actions that will achieve a Turning Point in the earth’s climate, migration, and social challenges.

Together, seeding a future of opportunity for the people, planet, and its inhabitants. 

The collaborative experiential intervention will be a catalyst, representing the opening statement of a collective of forward-thinking artists, technologists, thinkers, and global contributors whose actions, life, and work (commercially and privately) exhibits, reflects, expresses, and articulates an interaction of the environment, artist, active on-site participant, casual on-site observer, and digitally accessible participants and observers through real time dialog generating a multi-branching experiential interaction.

Humanity's course

This experiential multi-branching interaction is intent on promoting an active dialog extending beyond this moment in time and specific physical spatial environment to inspire thought, choice, and emotion in the participant, observer, artist, and global community – with the intent of manifesting a positive impact on the future in a meaningful and actionable way.

We must remind people and humanity what we have achieved when intent is applied.

By motivating an action-based mindset, re-illuminating previous successes and existing successes, participants may adopt and create new solutions for a collective global future.

More Work


The ULTRATOWER® is our patented ride system. Designed and developed in partnership with Intamin Rides of Switzerland, the ULTRATOWER® utilizes a 6 DOF motion-based ride vehicle-mounted to a programmable variable high-speed drop tower, with integrated 2D / 3D high-definition media to create a physically and visually immersive multi-sensory experience like no other. The customizable system enables a destination to deliver a top-tier world class experience at a fraction of the cost and space industry giants typically require.

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