Jiulongkou Scenic Area

Do integrated culture, nature, health and wellness better

Covering more than 326 acres, the Jiulongkou Scenic Area is an ecological and cultural treasure located in Jianhu County in the Jiangsu Province of China. Jiulongkou—or “mouth of nine dragons”—wetland park, takes its name from the convergence of nine rivers that come together to form Sheyang Lake. The surrounding area is rich with cultural heritage–Jianhu is the home of the ancient Huai opera. Spring Group, the parent company of Spring Airlines and IP holder with a deep portfolio of destination assets, chose Jiulongkou as the site for a major lifestyle, entertainment, and ecological tourism destination.

Project Type

Nature Site Regeneration / National Scenic Park / Mixed Use Resort  Destination


Jiangsu Province, China


Spring Group


The Jiulongkou project marks Spring Group’s entry into entertainment lifestyle destinations. We consulted with the client on the development of a comprehensive plan for a luxury lifestyle experience centered around nature and health and wellness that would integrate, celebrate, and protect the varied ecological and cultural inheritance of the area. The project included the development and regeneration of a national park and village designated as a cultural treasure and an expansion of the opera’s brand into a destination experience. Our client saw the opportunity to take the wetland park and the town and opera (considered regional attractions) — and reimagine them as a well integrated top tier national destination.


  • China’s rapid economic development has brought sweeping cultural and lifestyle change to the country. The nation’s biggest growth categories are health and wellness, nature, luxury, and the revival of traditional cultural heritage. Jiulongkou represents an entirely new paradigm where all these elements are converging in an integrated lifestyle experience.
  • Our aim was to develop a model that would find a true equilibrium among the many interrelated factors of the project. The Jiulongkou Project demanded a rigorously holistic approach to balance and fulfill the many needs of the client, existing community, natural environment, and visitors to the region. There was a complex network of cultural, health, ecological, agricultural, business, and operational concerns to be addressed. We sought to bring our client solutions that would expand the sphere of benefit and eliminate hidden costs for the extended stakeholders in the region.
  • The challenge of Jiulongkou was particularly inspiring for Louis. Louis has a close affinity with the natural world and is deeply passionate about environmental stewardship. The opportunity to integrate art, the environment, and experience into a meaningful whole that could generate positive change for the wetland habitat, local community, and the larger world struck a deep chord with him. It was critical to us that we provided our client with a model that advanced environmentally forward-thinking solutions.
  • The many cultural and environmental assets of the region were not previously integrated into a cohesive offering for visitors and tourists. Jiulongkou needed to be reimagined in a way that elevated and unified its treasures under one brand with a long range vision.


  • Developed a comprehensive mixed-use strategy for the brand and destination
  • Provided in-depth information on best practices, global benchmark recommendations, and operational references for global mixed-use sites, entertainment business model, national parks, cultural assets, lifestyle amenities, branding, project process, and tourism opportunities.
  • Consulted on a complete entertainment and leisure solution for the area, including agritourism, edutainment, lifestyle and wellness, resort amenities, and phasing strategy.

The Results

In process. Land is secured. Redevelopment is in permitting, early tenant incentives and relocations have begun. Resort hotels have begun construction.


  • Model advances communal food growth to benefit existing community and buoy agritourism opportunities.
  • Wildlife tracking program enables conservation and management efforts.
  • Resort-style petting farm featuring domesticated animals offers edutainment experiences for urban visitors.


  • Executive consultant
  • Brand development
  • Strategic planning
  • Budgeting, creative, and technical advisement
  • Licensing recommendations
  • Act as a bridge between the client and local government agencies on collaborative solutions 
  • Provide industry introductions and team building services to foster adoption of best practice

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