Prototypical interactive gaming dark ride with original IP
Hersheypark, Hershey, PA, USA
The In-vehicle Game Controller
As with any gaming experience, a key element of the Reese’s Cupfusion interactive dark ride is the point of guest interface with the game itself: the Amplifier. The in-vehicle game controller is dubbed the Amplifier because, within the ride’s story, the device amplifies and channels the guests’ love of chocolate and peanut butter into a blast of positive energy. Guests use their Amplifiers to defend the Reese’s Central, powering the factory, stunning invading members of the League of Misfit Candy, and earning points in the process.
Every Reese’s Transport ride vehicle comes equipped with four Amplifiers, each one with a different identifying color that makes it easy to track their actions in the interactive media and targets. When a guest hits a target, haptic feedback in the Amplifier lets them know with a satisfying vibration.
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