Behind the IP: Reese’s Cupfusion – Creating the Amplifier

Project Type

Prototypical interactive gaming dark ride with original IP


Hersheypark, Hershey, PA, USA

The Amplifier

The In-vehicle Game Controller

As with any gaming experience, a key element of the Reese’s Cupfusion interactive dark ride is the point of guest interface with the game itself: the Amplifier. The in-vehicle game controller is dubbed the Amplifier because, within the ride’s story, the device amplifies and channels the guests’ love of chocolate and peanut butter into a blast of positive energy. Guests use their Amplifiers to defend the  Reese’s Central, powering the factory, stunning invading members of the League of Misfit Candy, and earning points in the process.

Every Reese’s Transport ride vehicle comes equipped with four Amplifiers, each one with a different identifying color that makes it easy to track their actions in the interactive media and targets. When a guest hits a target, haptic feedback in the Amplifier lets them know with a satisfying vibration. 

In these storyboards for pre-show media, Commander Cup and Agent Five-Five ishow guests how to use their Amplifiers.

From the Writer and Associate Producer:

"We 're-skinned' the existing vehicles from Cupfusion's predecessor (Reese's Xtreme Cup Challenge) to give them a completely new look. When it came to the individual game controllers, though, we knew we would need to design a something new from scratch.

"There are a lot of interrelated requirements for a game controller in the context of an interactive dark ride. Guests are physically interacting with these devices all day long. They have to be super user-friendly, highly functional, easy to handle, and made to stand up to pretty intense wear and tear. And of course, they need to be aesthetically pleasing objects that are integral to the world and the story we're telling.

"Another important factor in the design process was that the Amplifier is visually connected to the Reese's brand. The 'nozzle' portion of the Amplifier is shaped like a Reese's Cup. It had to meet all our needs for usuability and safety while also satisfying Reese's branding criteria. It requires a lot of collaborative iteration to find the perfect solution."
Tim Madison
Show Writer & Associate Producer

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