A few months ago, Louis Alfieri and Amy Kole sat down to talk about how stories are broken down in Eastern and Western cultures from a structural perspective in “East Meets West: Part 1”. It quickly became clear that one article couldn’t encapsulate even the surface of what this fascinating topic entails. In an effort to capture all of our thoughts, experiences, and questions, we re-entered the discussion on how these storytelling conventions are applied to location-based entertainment.
Most westerners are not fully aware of the commonalities and significant differences between Asian cultures. The designs that we, as creatives and storytellers, manifest in Japan, China, and Korea are very different, reflecting the uniqueness of each culture and population. They are not one in the same whether that is from a story perspective, a facility perspective, or a guest behavior perspective.
In “East Meets West: Part II”, recently published via Blooloop, we take a more in-depth look at specific examples of how these two unique and beautiful cultures exhibit themselves amongst immersive experiences in both the West and East. As designers, the opportunity to learn from diverging storytelling techniques creates unique opportunities to celebrate and pay homage to other cultures.
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